Hooray~finally year 2010 has reached and we got to say good bye to year 2009 lo!Happy New Year 2010 to everyone of you ya..lolx..may all your dreams come true in this new new year, good luck and all the best to you all...!!
Haha..i just went back from celebration with grace and bee voon at beach cafe. It was a simple celebration but happy cause i believed that we did enjoy the night. Thanks ya..muacks~
Last year i went to beach cafe for my celebration also with my friends and i found that this year were not as many people as last year but the situation still very fun and enjoyable. There have a lot of games for us to participant and of cause with the firework show at sharp of 12am...haha...!I saw many people bought spray and starting with their 'spray games'...lolx....but we dint because too little friends join us already, and it wasnt fun if we seriously buy it and spray!
Hehe~lets talk about the firework show. It was very nice and as long as 2 minutes ..great!A lot of people took out their camera or phone to record down the firework,so do me, grace and bee voon o..really happy~and we did play the games that provided there. Lolx..seems that my luck not so good la, i cant cant any big bear because i have lost the game but i got a small one...hehe! It is a very cutie squirrel and i have finally present to my sweet darling~grace already! I know she likes all this cutie squirrel and i believed that she will take a good care of him/her..!!
Here are some photo that we took just now....haha..is me and my darling~grace...
this is bee voon and i...^^
hehe...me and grace with the cutie squirrel!
cutie grace and the squirrel^^
is me with the cutie squirrel..lolx..
hahaha...the cutie squirrel is drink with water~
bee voon and grace here..!!
Hope everyone have a happy new year~ It is a new start, new chapter and new beginning for us! Lets forget all the bad things and cherish the good. May god bless you all with good health and great abundance ya~muacks
9 years ago
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